
Reverse time to go back in time 10,000 times BTC to get your life back!

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Reverse time to go back in time 10,000 times BTC to get your life back!

Ten thousand times the BTC currency that originated from a pizza, so you go back in time to make sure that this thing triggers, and it makes sense with BTC it can be traded, it can be used as a currency.

Of course when it's buying pizza with BTC, you have to watch out! You can choose to buy it or you can choose to mine it, but of course I suggest you half mine it, half buy it, because you'll trigger different rules for the timeline, so you'll want to be as careful as you can not to meddle too much in the future development of this thing, because there's a chance that your ability to foretell the future gets involved and causes this thing to disintegrate.


I would suggest that you can use the currency in the wallet that you are mining, hide it artificially or destroy it, as you will make the few BTC even more scarce with this move, and then secretly build a rat race on your own. Use your ability to foresee the future to inflate that price so that you can make your rat position reach the future price without any problems.

Jamie Ding

Jamie Ding

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